Friday, March 9, 2012

Blog Beginnings…Again.

Well, hello there internet friends. I’ve had this nagging feeling as of late that they world is short on bloggers, so here I am. Formerly of Luminous Books (it’s been a while) I return to the scene as Luminous Home. Why have I returned, you ask? At the end of 2010 my handsome husband (you can meet him at The Relative Comment) and I purchased our first home, west of the river in St. Paul, Minnesota. We have lots to keep us busy, turning our 112 year old house into a home, and what better way to see the progress of it all than by publishing it here, for all the world to see, one wobbly adventure at a time. We are already well over a year into this house-to-home business, but a late start is better than no start.
And since so much of what is to come, will start in our office/sewing /imagination station room, I give you your first glimpse of what is to come...

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